The Raven single sign-on authentication system
Raven is a service used by some University of Cambridge web sites to identify people so that decisions, such as granting or denying access, can be made. Raven is provided by the University Computing Service, and uses standard Computing Service user identifiers (CRSid) and 'Raven passwords' to identify people. The addition of multi-factor authentication (MFA or 2FA) and other changes to computing security does mean that aspects of the Raven service is being replaced by your University Account. You may see the term 'Legacy Raven' on some pages that ask you for login credentials.
Raven authentication is used to access most of the web based legal research tools available at the Faculty of Law when off-campus.
If you know your password, you can manage it at It is recommended that you set up password recovery so that you can reset your password yourself, should you need to. If you don't set up password recovery, you'll have to go to your College Computer Officer to get a password reset token. If urgent and you are within the Faculty of Law, you can contact the Computer Office who will try to assist you.
More information can be found at 'Passwords on UIS accounts' on the UIS site.